The Power of Feminine Energy

I am not here to prove something or convince people that women in the whole world are completely free. Because it would’ve been a lie. But I have something to say about us, about the female energy and the power that it has. I am not even going to talk only about women.

I am here to talk to the people, who have been called and who are ready for the knowledge they are missing. If this doesn’t resonate with you, you are free to click off the website and continue living without my opinion affecting on it. Constructive criticism is welcomed though.

I am in no way telling that everyone have to follow this opinion and other ways aren’t valid or wrong. We are different and everything works differently for each of us. I just hope that may be someone will find this information and this opinion useful.


The reasons why I don’t like this word is pretty obvious. I am all about equal rights and protection of women in Middle Asia and other countries where they are suffering from oppression and abuse. But as I am writing this, I know that there are people who will be enraged by these words.

In recent years, especially in 2018 feminism became toxic. You can blame radical feminists in that, but generally that’s how I see the movement now, even though I personally know some less problematic feminists. Most (not all) of the feminists became blind to the facts, easily offended about irrelevant things and extremely sexist towards men.

I personally think that the word itself doesn’t empower anyone anymore. It brings men down and exposes women as insecure and very problematic people.

Equal rights movement shouldn’t use feminine or masculine as the main root of the name. That only creates an illusion that someone is more entitled than the other, which contradicts the whole idea of equality.

Hence… I am not naming myself as a feminist and just state that every single person: regardless race, sexuality and gender deserves equal rights. Having the same opportunities, same respect, same expectations and same rights to live and protect themselves is crucial for the harmonious and peaceful life on the planet.

Having this covered I now can proceed to the next part. And from here I will not mention the gender at all, because in our reality it’s not really relevant anymore.

Feminine energy

Regardless of the gender identity and biological sex, different people can have feminine energy in them. I met gay guys with feminine energy as the lead one, I met straight guys with it, I met bi guys with it, I met different girls with this energy as the lead one, regardless of their sexuality and gender as well.

I mentioned this in the previous post about Twin Flames. We all come here being divided in two, someone possesses more of a feminine energy, someone more of a masculine that doesn’t depend on what gender you are, because Feminine Energy is about creativity, intuition, insight, nurture, connection and empathy, not about your physical appearance.

People who have this energy are extremely compassionate, always feel for others are very creative and caring. They hesitate to take action straight away, because it is hard to make an action, as they think about everyone and how everyone may react, may be hurt etc. I am pretty sure you already know that you relate to this or you may know someone like that.

This doesn’t mean that they will stay quiet and will not do anything for their success and sake. It is just different from what masculine energy does. Feminine energy is softer, so the actions that people take are the same. Moreover in some or even most cases the insightfulness and wisdom tend to make people with Feminine Energy more successful.

The Power

Possessing feminine energy gives you some perks: strong intuition, collective wisdom and insight. With that you are able to feel, know and understand more. This is why people with this energy are drawn to spirituality, witchcraft and magic, because it is just easier for them to connect to their higher self.

Having Feminine Energy gives you the power to manifest, foresee things in advance and guide yourself and other people through troubles of life and/or mental health. That makes you someone who knows what to do next. You can guide you friends your family and your partners too. Silently, wisely making people around you and yourself happier, more successful and fulfilled.

Especially with us transitioning from 3D to 5D at this very moment, more and more people wake up and in my experience, what I see on the daily basis, it’s mostly people with Feminine Energy who are waking up to make this leap into the new world.


When we talk about Feminine Energy, do we only talk about women?
No. Of course women tend to have it regardless, but in my experience anyone can possess this type of energy.

Do I have to be spiritual to feel the energy?
No, but you will definitely feel or will be drawn to it more than someone with masculine energy.

Does this mean that I am an emotional wreck all the time and can’t control it?
No, but you are empathetic, so your sensitivity doesn’t mean that you’re a wreck and have to control yourself. You care about others and put yourself through their pain as well, just to understand them better and be able to nurture and help someone who needs it. It is a natural instinct. And all these feelings, even the ones you catch from other people are valid. Whoever tells you to hide them and control them is a toxic human.

Does Feminine energy make me superior and more powerful than other people?
No, it certainly has the perks and powers that masculine energy. That’s why we have Ying and Yan symbol. The harmony of the energies exists due to the fact that both energies have their pros and cons and they complete each other in union.


The reason why I covered this now is because I see multiple people saying that women are better, smarter, deserve more than others because they have ability to give birth and were oppressed and apparently are still oppressed in progressive countries. As I mentioned earlier, there are still women who need protection and help from us. But are women superior?

No. Feminine energy doesn’t only relate to women, especially in our timeline. The power that it has doesn’t relate only to women. Hence, we all are similar and deserve equal rights regardless of labels that society tends to put on people.

I will get back to this when I continue my relationships topic further on. First part you can read here.

Stay open minded, protect each other, love yourselves and blessed be. This is a wonderful time to be alive.

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Twitter: @EdalaineM
Instagram: @edalainemoon

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